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Well, last you knew, I was at Home and crying but also thriving in California! 

Here’s what you missed!

I spent the majority of my LA quarantine with the one and only wonderful, precious Allison Vickers! I wouldn’t trade that time for ANYTHING!!! NOT ONE SINGLE THING!!!!!! 

I felt a little whisper to my soul to scoot on over to Gainesville, GA like a bolt out of the blue. I had no money, no car, no plan, no job, no place to live, and approximately one known friend, but I went for it!! I laugh now everytime I think about it. I’m smiling right now. In typical God fashion, He showed up. He always does ๐Ÿ™‚

I felt urged to leave on July 13th, so I did that! 

Stopped along the way and stayed with friends I hadn’t seen in a long time and was overjoyed to be in their presence. What a precious summer!!

Lo and behold: A house and two absolutely wonderful roommates!!

Joined a local church! I’ve been witnessing signs, miracles, and wonders for a couple of years now, but it never gets old ๐Ÿ™‚ This boy had his eyes healed in the water and I had a front row seat!(I was interceding on the side of the pool) Watching his eyes light up gradually was one of the best moments of my year! 


Got a part time job at a corn maze (and took several online classes)!


!Did a training camp!

!Because I am heading to Guatemala very soon to do more missions work!


Life is wild and wonderful and bewildering. It’s heart-wrenching, beautiful, and costly. It’s painful and difficult and lovely and frustrating all at once. When I’m a grown up, I hope I’ll be proud of how I spent this time. I hope I’ll believe that I made the right choices and did the right things. I hope that I’ll be confident that I followed where God was leading. I am right now, but sometimes it takes time to tell what was really really really right and what was really really really wrong. Perhaps because of doing character studies, I always think about how villains think they’re in the right when they’re totally off. This makes me smile too. God is the only one who gets to call those shots. He’s the only one who sees the big picture and knows right from wrong. That’s why I do my best to cling to Him and follow His voice above all others. Confess and repent y’all, Jesus loves you ๐Ÿ™‚

“Make every effort to enter through the narrow door, because many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able to.”

Luke 13:24

May I recommend peeking at Psalms 16 & 46 & 127 today? Good for the mind, body, soul, and spirit ๐Ÿ™‚

 You are so loved. 

4 responses to “What you missed in 2020 + what’s going down in 2021”

  1. Okay first of all $7000?????!!!! you are amazing.
    This is lovely you are radiant. I think grown up Ari will be very very proud and happy of current Ari. You’ve used your time so well so far and we’re all with you as you carefully put another God-given quarter into the gumball machine of life and show us the joy in blowing all the bubbles!!!! Praying for the journey to and through Guatemala and beyond and the preparation season before it. God is smiling on ya boo!

  2. Love this recap! I see God’s hand all over your life! Can’t wait to see whats ahead as we do a bit of life together this next year! I’M SO PROUD OF YOU ARI!

  3. So. Much. Love. Ahhhh words canโ€™t even say how blessed I am to have you lead our squad again!

  4. Seeing how your story and my story collide together and land us both in Gainesville, Georgia make me belly laugh. The Lord is so funny, so good and so trustworthy. My gratitude for you knows no end, sis.